Private Pilot’s License (C152)
(5% off if paid in full at the start)
Private Pilot’s License (PA28)
(5% off if paid in full at the start)
LAPL (C152)
(5% off if paid in full at the start)
(5% off if paid in full at the start)
IR(R) Rating (PA28)
Night Rating
PPL/LAPL (C152) Hourly Rate
PPL/LAPL (C152) 10 Hour Package
PPL/LAPL (PA28) Hourly Rate
PPL/LAPL (PA28) 10 Hour Package
IR(R) Rating (PA28) Hourly Rate
Night Rating (PA28) Hourly Rate
Charged on block time except C172 which is charged on tacho time +0.2
C172 (charged on tacho time +0.2)
C152 10 hour package
PA28 10 hour package
C152 25 hour package
PA28 25 hour package
C152 60 hour package
PA28 60 hour package
C152 125 hour package
PA28 125 hour package
CFS Membership
CFS Study Pack Starter Kit (PPL & LAPL only)
Ground Exams & RT Test
Landing fees are included in the package and hourly rates. However, circuits at Elstree are charged in addition:
Elstree Circuits (1 hour)
Elstree Circuits (30 minutes)
Approximate costs only
PPL Flight Test
Examiner Fee
Prices are subject to change. Terms and conditions apply; see our website for details.